EastPoint Solutions & Darwino
Ending the Lotus Notes Legacy Data Conundrum for good
Drag your Lotus Notes/Domino into the Present
EastPoint Solutions have collaborated with Darwino to bring a unique and powerful platform to the European market, to provide clients with the capability to migrate and modernise their legacy IBM Domino Data and Applications.
Thanks to Darwino, data integration from legacy platforms is no longer a big deal. We have the solution, expertise and stand ready to solve your problems so you can get on with running your business.
Instantly gain access to your data, immediately expose your data to other systems.
We move the machines – We move the data.
Migrate and modernise your legacy IBM Domino Data and Applications with EastPoint & Darwino.
Whatever your data issue. We are ready and proven.
We are Data people. We sell data solutions. Problem Solved. Next!
We enjoy data integration, it is our lifeblood, we will make it your business’ lifeblood.
The long arm of Darwino reaching back into the past to retrieve and modernise your data. EastPoint’s cutting edge treatment of data will alter the issues your department/company faces immediately, we will eliminate those unnecessary issues.
Still using Lotus Notes?
Not for long…….
EastPoint have a proven track record of navigating you and your data into the 21st century. We have researched and tested solutions that will solve, integrate and improve the data landscape in your company. Solving the Lotus data issue 100%.
Do not accept a job half done, we’ll migrate your data in to the present, simple solution, heavy lifting and all. One project should not necessitate another.
What do you want to do with your data?
EastPoint will bring Lotus Notes into the 21st century. That’s it. That’s our promise. No messing around.
A Client Case Study

Dept. of Justice
How the Department of Justice & Equality solved its Lotus Notes/Domino problem once and for all.
What The Client Said
“We found them great to work with.”
“Their technical expertise is excellent.”
Derek Coffey, Head of Development
Dept. Justice & Equality
Need a proof of concepts?
We’ll go one better
Proof of success
Has to be seen to be believed, we won’t need to convince you with a lengthy sales pitch, we’ll show you the truth. The proof will be right there. Contained in case studies from other government departments that we guided into the future.
Darwino reaches back into the past and guides your data carefully and perfectly intact into a fully integrated modern day relational database. Then what? Go anywhere, do anything. Darwino then allows you to build whatever kind of UI you can imagine.
Well what would you like to do? Azure development? We know no boundaries nor restrictions.
Our development arm is poised to create whatever type of platform you envisage, we’ll consult with you to ensure your ideas take shape and are implemented according to your wishes.
Not a vague imitation, an actual realisation.
We have multiple experts standing by to create the development platform you want. That achieves your goals, and not the goals of anyone else.
EastPoint modernises your data systems without any fuss, we are not here to lock you into never ending projects. We listen, promise and we deliver.
An Irish company that will solve your data problems, really, fully and completely.
Honesty and integrity are more important to us than anything else, if we think you are mistaken we will say so, we are more than happy to work with you to help bring your project to fruition.
Our technology will enable you to use your own apps on your own data the way you expect.
Lotus Notes – the ultimate silo, your data locked in the past. We have the technology and know how to unlock it, make it accessible and bring it forward through a simple journey.
Well what would you like to do? Because you will be able to do all of it. If a solution necessitates another solution then that is not a solution it is merely waste, the most criminal of sins.
Who : EastPoint – Date integration specialists
Where – Client, server, offline, online
What – “Darwino is a platform-agnostic enterprise full-stack application development platform, built from the ground up to focus on the delivery of cloud and mobile enterprise applications integrated with social collaboration platforms.” Darwino
• When you are having problems with an unreliable or non existent network connection Darwino enables your users to work without issue.
•With Darwino you will no longer face the same restrictions from things like bandwidth, storage and battery life.
• With Darwino you can easily handle the always in flux needs of data security, including access rights, at rest and in transit encryption and more.
• With Darwino you have the freedom to design your own perfect UI, perfect now, and perfect for your future.
• Darwino works with all platforms, enabling you to design without worrying. All you need to do is design the app, then let Darwino take over. Android, iOS or none of the above, Darwino works with all of them.
• With Darwino you can be guaranteed their source code will always be available.
• With Darwino’s focus on Java as the portable language for business logic puposes, the same business logic will run on both the server as well as the devices themselves.
• With Darwino you can leverage your existing developer skills using Java, Javascript and Javascript frameworks.